Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Information about battery state of health (new and refurbished equipment)

Technical specification
Criterion text

The supplier shall provide the equipment with pre-installed software for determining and monitoring the status of the battery/accumulator. The software shall make it possible to see the battery's or accumulator's state of health1 and state of charge2. It shall also display the number of complete charge cycles3 that the battery/accumulator has been through. All information shall be shown to the user. 

The software shall also give suggestions to the user regarding how to maximise the service life of the battery. 

1Charge cycle: One charge cycle is completed when the battery is fully charged from 0% to 100% of its capacity and then discharged to 0% again. A charge cycle can be completed if the battery is partially charged and discharged a number of times to varying states of charge, provided that the total percentage of charging/discharging is approximately the same as the nominal capacity. 

2State of charge: The remaining battery capacity expressed as a percentage of full charge (SBS-IF, 1998).  

3State of health: Current maximum charging capacity (in mAh) expressed as a percentage of the design capacity (nominal capacity). 

Envrinmental Goals
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