Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Systematic work with accessibility and universal design

Special contract terms
Criterion text

The supplier shall, no later than [six (6) months or other period specified by the contracting organisation] after the start of the contract, have introduced the systematic work with universal design in accordance with the standard "Universal design – Accessibility through universal design for products, goods and services" SS-EN 17161:2019 or equivalent standard. 

The systematic work shall include at least the following points:  

  • How possible users, including non-users1 and usage context have been identified. 
  • How the needs, characteristics, abilities and preferences of potential users have been analysed, understood and been taken into consideration in the work.
  • How equivalent use is made possible by offering a range of solution options. 
  • How solutions have been evaluated in relation to the needs, characteristics, abilities and preferences of potential users.

The processes shall be documented, at least cover the area of operations covered by the contract, and applied during the contract period. 

A contact person shall be appointed and tasked to answer questions regarding the systematic work with universal design vis-à-vis the contracting organisation.

The supplier shall be able to provide information on request, demonstrating that the contractual condition is met.

1Non-users refer to those who do not use the products and services today because they choose not to use them or they are excluded from interaction due to design barriers.

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