Compare criteria | The National Agency for Public Procurement

Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Responsible use of antibiotics - meat and milk

Technical specification
Criterion text

Animal food products must be derived from animal production where antibiotics are not used for the purpose of promoting growth or routinely as a preventative measure. Antibiotics may be given only to sick animals or as prescribed by a veterinarian to animals in groups in which disease has broken out, after a diagnosis of clinical disease in part of the group has been established.

The total number of medical treatments must be documented along with the reasons for treatment and medical preparations used.

3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones may be used only when microbiological examination and antimicrobial susceptibility tests show that there are no effective alternatives.


Envrinmental Goals
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Jämför kriterie 3, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts