Jämför kriterie 1, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts Select Area för kriterie 1 Select Area Building and property Cleaning and chemicals Food IT and Telecom Labour law requirements Nursing and care Office and textiles Toxic-free preschool Vehicles and transport
Select Group för kriterie 1 Select Group Meat Chicken, turkey and hens Milk and dairy Eggs Fish and shellfish Fruit and vegetables Cereals and sugar Vegetable fats Coffee, tea and cocoa ILO core conventions and sustainable supply chains Packaging food sector
Select Sub Group för kriterie 1 Select Sub Group Milk and dairy from cows Milk and dairy from sheep and goats
Select Criteria för kriterie 1 Select Criteria Information about the origin of the raw material - egg and milk EU-organic product Grazing - milk Surgical procedures under anaesthesia - beef and milk Responsible use of antibiotics - meat and milk Health monitoring and preventive animal health care - milk Roughage for calves - beef and milk More sustainably produced soy in animal feed Organic product - addition milk Surgical procedures with anaesthesia and analgesia - beef and milk Reduced climate impact from production - beef and milk Feed without GMO-content More sustainably produced palm oil in animal feed
Select Level för kriterie 1 Select Level
Skicka in formulär för kriterie 1