Jämför kriterie 1, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts Select Area för kriterie 1 Select Area Building and property Cleaning and chemicals Food IT and Telecom Labour law requirements Nursing and care Office and textiles Toxic-free preschool Vehicles and transport
Select Group för kriterie 1 Select Group Medicinal products Medical Consumables Health Care EEE Laundry and textile services Disposable textiles for use in health care Packaging within hospital care and health care sector
Select Sub Group för kriterie 1 Select Sub Group General criteria Anaesthesia and intensive care equipment Medical sterilizer ECG equipment, diagnostic Haemodialysis equipment Medical freezers Flusher and washer disinfector Ultrasound equipment
Select Criteria för kriterie 1 Select Criteria Energy performance of medical devices Information on the environmental performance of the equipment Access to spare parts Routines for control of information regarding hazardous substances in the equipment Information about substances of very high concern (the Candidate List) Limitation of substances of very high concern in components in contact with tissue and body fluids Limitation of substances of very high concern (the complete Candidate List) Detergents and disinfectants Phthalate-free products Requirements under the ILO core conventions Sustainable supply chains
Select Level för kriterie 1 Select Level
Skicka in formulär för kriterie 1