Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

Jämför kriterie 1, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts

Limitation of substances of very high concern (the complete Candidate List)

Award criteria
Criterion text

Points are awarded if the equipment are free from substances included in REACH- Declaration Candidate List, (article 59 in Declaration (EG) no. 1907/2006 concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals) in concentrations above 0.1% by weight per substance in each individual part of the product.

The requirement does not comprise lead and other heavy metals that are part of the radiation protection in x-rays. 

Envrinmental Goals
Jämför kriterie 2, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts
Jämför kriterie 3, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts