Jämför kriterie 1, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts Select Area för kriterie 1 Select Area Building and property Cleaning and chemicals Food IT and Telecom Labour law requirements Nursing and care Office and textiles Toxic-free preschool Vehicles and transport
Select Group för kriterie 1 Select Group Medicinal products Medical Consumables Health Care EEE Laundry and textile services Disposable textiles for use in health care Packaging within hospital care and health care sector
Select Sub Group för kriterie 1 Select Sub Group Disposable gloves for medical use General criteria Enteral nutrition Incontinence and urology products
Select Criteria för kriterie 1 Select Criteria Procedures for quality management, control, and handling of information on hazardous chemicals Metal content in plastic Limitation of biocides (antimicrobial substances) Bisphenol A in plastic, core Bisphenols in plastic, advanced Latex-free consumables Phthalate-free consumables Consumables made from chlorine-free plastic Phthalate-free endotracheal tubes Halogen-free plastic consumables Information about the climate impact of consumables Content of Substances of Very High Concern (Candidate List) Requirements under the ILO core conventions Sustainable supply chains
Select Level för kriterie 1 Select Level
Skicka in formulär för kriterie 1