No straw-shortening agents
Level: Core
Plant growth regulators are plant protection products used in growing cereals to reduce the risk of crop lodging. Minimal or no use of plant growth regulators entails a reduced risk for residues in food and spreading of chemical substances to the environment.
- Type:
- Technical specification
- ID:
- 10383:1
- Group:
- Cereals and other grain products
- Swedish:
Criterion text
Unprocessed products made from cereals such as flour, made of wheat, oats and barley must have been grown without the use of plant growth regulators.
Upon request, the supplier shall be ready to present one of the following, for example:
- Certification according to an international standard, e.g. Svenskt Sigill (Swedish Seal of Quality)
- Supplier Declaration
Information about the criterion
Note that the requirement is appropriate for non-processed products containing wheat, oats and barley. Plant growth regulators are used on rye because it is much longer and weaker. To avoid plant growth regulators in rye the criterion for organic production may be used.
Environmental goals
Plant growth regulators are defined as plant protection products and are covered by the same EU regulations as plant protection products. They are used to reduce the risk of crop lodging particularly in weak varieties of cereals. In Sweden it has been forbidden to use plant growth regulators with the exception of rye (rye is different from other cereals because it is much longer and weaker) since the late 80s, which led to a reduced need to use these substances. However, it is now permissible to use them in Sweden, and within the EU plant growth regulators are used to a great extent.
Residues of plant growth regulators are often found in the products. The requirement is aimed at reducing the use of chemical pesticides in the environment and reduced exposure to pesticide residues for the consumer.
Versions history
The version date indicates when the sustainability criterion was created or last updated. Last reviewed dated tells when we last checked that the sustainability criterion still is relevant.
- Current ID
- 10383:1
- Version date
- 2016-12-16
2016-12-16: Changed level from advanced to core